Wednesday, January 23, 2008

Meshuggah - Obzen

I liken Meshuggah to a dwarf, entangled in the space-time continuum, growing older, but never actually "growing up". This is a shame because they have so much more potential. The same can be said of Obzen, the latest record from the connoisseurs of Swedish metal, Meshuggah. The album is another display of how their breed of rhythm can twist my mind.

Some bands are happy putting the same album out year after year and if you enjoy bands like that (Yes, Tool included) then take a listen to this. Vent aside, have fun sinking your claws into the album...6/10 (First listen)


Brayden said...

I know this should be about meshuggah but Im curious to know your reasoning behind ur notion of every tool album sounding the same. I am a "rabid" tool fan but this isnt one of those "ur an asshole" posts. Im genuinely curious as to why u think all tool albums sound the same cuz I think any rational music goer would say that none of their albums sound the all. please post, the curiousity is definitely killing my cat

Electrolegs said...

Well, let me throw the ball back into your court by saying... how have they progressed say for the last 3 albums? I could list quite a few examples, but here are a few.

1) They always use predictable riffs in almost 100% of the time in the key of "d" or based around "d" note: there are 11 others to pick from.

2) Predictable layering of bass and guitars, take for example almost any song off the last 3 albums.

Apart from an evolution from metal from their earlier material and the introduction of spirituality into the lyrical content, I struggle to find defining changes in the albums... away you go.

p.s I do like tool.

Anonymous said...

I blasted out the first track and I'd barely turned up the headphones before I felt like I'd heard it all before. No offence Meshuggah - it's me, not you. I struggle to find anything new in here either, and for a band that you could call progressive in a lot of senses, I don't hear the progression. As for lumping Tool into the same boat, I'm in total agreement. Love the band, but I'll put it this way: 10000 Days was 'surprisingly unsurprising', as is this Meshuggah release.

Anonymous said...
