Sunday, January 13, 2008

the Reptilian Humanoids

One of the most wildly bizarre theories I have stumbled upon this year are what some crackpots call the Reptilian humanoids. Apart from the ridiculous aura surrounding this subject, I like to think I can approach it with an open mind and after reading a little, it seems it has a little substance which makes it worth investigating a little more. 

Reptilian humanoids were born into human consciousness by our oldest known ancestors the Sumerians who described ancient astronauts known as the Anunna or Anunakai coming from the sky and creating mankind. These beings were depicted as lizard-like creatures and worshipped as deities. Fast forward a few thousand years to the ancient mesoamerican period and we find Quetzalcoatl a sky god for the Aztecs depicted as a lizard with wings. 

Interestingly, throughout most human history, lizard-like beings have been worshipped and are the subject of much speculation. I will keep this on my list for now, even for entertainments sake. 

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